WiFi hacking gadget: Ghost ESP on ESP32 (Flipper Zero)Build a Ghost ESP WiFi module with ESP32, Flipper Zero, and a 3D-printed case!Jan 202Jan 202
ROT Cipher Bruteforcer in Assembly x64In this text, I will show an implementation I made a couple of years ago in x64 assembly of a ROT Cipher brute forcerJun 14, 2024Jun 14, 2024
Bypassing Discord marked links filterRecently a friend of mine showed me a way to use hyperlinks on Discord. Discord has a markdown notation support, so users can enhance their…May 29, 20243May 29, 20243
Hacking NASA: Critical SSRF + Subdomain Takeover + XSSA couple of months ago, I was really excited about doing bug bounty on NASA. Just like any other giant company, they have tons of services…May 28, 202414May 28, 202414